Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bridge Collapse

I'm sure by now you've heard about the bridge in Minneapolis/St. Paul collapsing. Talk about too close for comfort.

While that bridge isn't "John's bridge" to come home by, it is awfully close...

Yesterday was not a good day to have misplaced my cellphone, and to stay offline because I wasn't feeling well. My poor sisters were pretty frantic with worry about us.

Very thrilled to not be personally affected by that tragedy, but I'm so sad for those who are.


Calico Sky said...

So glad you are safe. I will certainly remember all those affected in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I have watched the news and listened to the radio off and on through out the day today. It is hard to believe what happened with the bridge. I wonder how many times we have driven over it. I too am praying for all that are affected by this horrible trajedy. May God give them all strength and draw them closer to Him through this. Soooo, thankful that it isn't John's bridge. One of John's cousins (Jenny) and her family had just passed over the bridge about 1/2 hour before it collapsed. So thankful they are all safe.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Talk about feeling helpless. This is a terrible tragedy for many, and a heads-up for all of us to not take a thing for granted. Sometimes it feels like the world is upside down, and we need to hold each other extra tight.

I am so glad your family is safe, Shelly. Happy birthday, (July 28) by the way. Thank you for being born!!
Love, Sharon