Thursday, August 23, 2007

Canning Resumed

Fridge and freezer now all cleaned out, and everyone is still alive. ;O)

Back to the pear-canning business. Haven't gotten much done with all the chaos around here this week, but I'm hoping to really crank out a bunch of quart jars today.

By the way, Kate, canning is a pretty straight-forward process- just a lot of backache. You buy some glass canning jars, lids and rings for around the lids, a water-bath canning pot, a few odds and ends, and then a whole ton of fruit. The magic ticket though, is buying the book called "Ball Blue Book of Preserving." It tells you how to can or preserve just about anything you can think of. Jams, fruits, veggies, meat, soups, etc. Plus how to dry, freeze, etc. Preserving your own food is a great way of knowing what you are eating, getting delicious food stored up for the family, and having the satisfaction of seeing all the jars all lined up and "pretty" on your shelf. Makes ya feel all domestical and wholesome somehow! lol! Some day I want to try tomatoes, but I need a garden first! I can totally see you getting into this stuff, Kate... ya gotta look into to it for when you bring your babies home. ;O)


Tamera said...

We have what we call our salsa garden and we can salsa. We also do meats. It looks kinda gross in the jar but it is so yummy! have you ever froze applesauce. I opted to freeze last year and I like it better than canned. We also made apple pies and froze them. You freeze before baking. It's like having a fresh apple pie in season!

Shelly said...

Yes! I did freeze a bunch of pies last year! It was soooo nice! Never done meat, and would LOVE to do salsa. I was thinking of canning some applesauce this year, but I also need to remember how fat I'm going to be in October (I'm due in November!) I'm stubborn enough to still do my Pie Day on Columbus Day, but other than that, I need to probably wait and see how I'm feeling. How do you freeze applesauce? Just make it and ziploc it? Sounds lots more doable than canning!!
