Monday, May 14, 2007

Update on the Carpet Ride

My sister was asking me where Leks finally decided to go on her magic carpet. So I asked her.

She decided on India.

I asked her what she did there. She said she adopted 14 kids.

"Wow," I said, "That's a lot of kids!"

"Yeah," she said, "and I already have 12 at home. That's like a hundredy-one kids!"

I guess so! lol!


Anonymous said...

That's our Leksa Lu! :o)

Calico Sky said...

obviously there needs to be some addition lessons in there ;) (joking of course!!!).

What a great magic carpet ride, mine would end similarly but I would actually want to adopt 101 kids....or maybe 102!

Did you see my post about my social workers view on homeschooling? She thinks it is BRILLIANT! Basically she homeschooled her kids from toddler through 12 yrs of age!!

Hoping your mother's day was extra special!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did see that on your blog - I even left you a comment! It always startles me to see myself mentioned on other peoples' blogs! That's what, twice in a week! (Thanks for the "nomination," by the way...)
