Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Video clip

Ok, you all need to head over to Tami's blog "Finding Maddie" and watch the short video clip she has on there. Don't forget the kleenex... It's about Ukrainian orphans/orphanages.


Missy said...

Didn't that video tear your heart out?? I know it did mine! I can't wait to be able to get my kids out and here where I can love up on 'em.

Shelly said...

Yes, it certainly did... I was telling my sister that the kids looked "too" familiar, and the orphanage looked "too" much like "ours."


Ruth said...

I put this video on my blog a few months ago too. It definitely is a tear jerker and makes me want to bring back as many kids as possible!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could go and get them all! Looking at their dear faces and wishing I could love each one of them. I can not imagine what it was like to leave one behind when you have been there. The comment about the little boy asking for "any parents" about broke my heart. May God hold them all.
