Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Adam's story

Boy do I wish I'd just had a video of Adam with Abby. He was holding her and they were staring at eachother silently, and I finally coaxed Adam to tell her a story. Instead of telling her a fairytale or "princess story" like her sisters enjoy doing, he decided to tell Abby "his" story.

He told her how he was at the orphanage, and that he was adopted, and then he told her what he thought of his new home when he got here... He told her he had a beautiful bed, and his own room, lots of food, etc. He also told her that he used to get in lots of trouble and one time almost went to jail... (he'd pocketed a few things from Walmart when they were first home, and one day after doing so, I packed him up and we all went to the police station for a chat with the cops about what happens to boys who steal...)

Anyway, Abby sat totally bright-eyed listening to Adam go on and on. It was really sweet. He wound up saying, "We didn't think we'd ever have another baby sister, but now God blessed us!"

He's sure a great kid...


Rachel said...

What a lovely story. Your family sounds very warm and full of love!

Anonymous said...

You made me cry again. What a wonderful big brother for Abrielle to have. And two "great" big sisters also. I am not prejudiced at all. So glad to call them "mine". I would have loved to be there listening to him tell Abrie all about "his" story. What a wonderful way to share. And also what a wonderful way for little Abrielle to learn about her siblings as they share more with her. She will never lack for love!
Love you all so much!

vodkamartini said...

If I weren't STILL so addicted to this blog, I would stop reading it in the mornings at work because more often than not, I've got mascara running down my face.

I always knew Adam was one terrific little boy, but he never ceases to be able to melt my heart.


Calico Sky said...

That made me cry...my goodness! What a wonderful son you have there.
But you know, you never told us about the cop story at the time! lol ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL, I know, I kept the cop shop story to myself. This mama was more than a little mortified about that... But thankfully, he's outgrown the sticky-fingers, so it's all good... *wink*
