Today is my Liana's birthday. Right now she's still alseep, so nothing festive has happened just yet. I just felt like posting because I'm feeling all reminiscent; probably because we celebrated last year's birthday in Ukraine and I have seen what an enormous year this has been for her. Like the biggest in her life! Last year on her birthday she was a scared, sick, skinny, child that I really wondered just how to "reach." Looking back at my blog from her birthday and the days before, she really reminded me of a stray cat... The kind that doesn't let you near, but definitely needs you. Needs some food, love, snuggles, etc. Liana didn't trust us, fought with us constantly, threw tantrums telling us she didn't love us and we didn't love her, and would run off at the drop of a hat. She was pale. She was ragged. She needed us, but didn't know how to accept us. Her love for us was not easily won.
But now! Oh, Liana, I'm so proud of you! You have learned to fit into a family beautifully! You, of all three kids, have needed us and loved us with your whole heart; and you learned to do it remarkably quickly.
While your brother was throwing tantrums last fall and telling us he was going to run away (and trying to convince you to do the same), you would tell him (still in Russian), that this was your home and that you finally had good food and a nice papa and mama and that you weren't going anywhere. I knew we'd officially won your heart by then.
Looking at the pictures from Ukraine and looking at you now, I just can't believe what a change there has been. You've gained 10 lbs, five inches, a whole new language, a glow and a beautiful smile. I'm so glad you are mine.
But you're 7! You're not supposed to be getting older all the time! You just turned 6 afterall! I know this year won't be as enormous as last, but that just scares me all the more. 8 will come before I blink, and then 9. Stay my little girl as long as you can, ok, Lianichka? I love you so very, very much.
Happy Birthday Liana! Gee, Shelly, I'm crying happy tears again reading your blog!!! What a marvelous year it must have been. Hugs to the birthday girl (and her bro and sis)! -- Laurel in Tulsa
Happy Birthday Liana!!! What an amazing transformation in just one year! Have a wonderful birthday, Liana, with your special, special family. Jo from the ttc adoption board
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