Monday, July 17, 2006

23 Months Home

Wow, just one more month and we'll have made it to Two Whole Years Home. I just plain can't believe it.

We've been having smooth sailing until a few days ago. Some trust issues have come up with Adam that we probably would have expected to have happened a year ago, but not THIS year. I guess two steps forward three steps back? I guess with our kiddos, the stuff they've dealt with in their short lives will just pop up from time to time and remind us that they do indeed carry baggage of sorts.

That said, however, I'd say that our Adam has made gigantic strides this month/summer with almost everything. The relationship I have with him has never been better. He has made some good friends here in the neighborhood, though his "best" friends are still lots younger than he. They are about 8 years old, and that is about how old he is emotionally and intellectually. It's just unfortunate that he is packaged in a tall 11 1/2 yo body. It would make all our lives a lot easier, I'm sure!

John was just telling me yesterday that Adam was reading a see-through plastic sign from behind, and could read the sign even though it was backwards. That's big, big, big for him. He's been doing great with his reading. Math is still an absolute killer for him, but if we let him use his math blocks/rods, he can figure out the answers... wrote memory is a killer for him. It goes excruciatingly slow for him.

With Liana turning 8 in just a few weeks, that makes my oldest two seem more like twins in a lot of ways. And actually, with Aleksa making such progress with her reading, etc., it almost feels like triplets. Not *quite*, but almost. In another year it just very well may! But, I expect that Adam will cruise ahead a bit in this year too, so who knows.

Liana is doing really well too. That Super Strong Will of hers is losing its grip on her a bit, and I have seen her really yield that will several times recently. It will probably always be a part of her personality, but I know she is actually "working on it" now. She reflexively sassed our pastor's wife the other day and since I was *right* there to witness it, I took her in the bathroom for a chit-chat. We were in there all of about three seconds and she was genuinely sorry. Her conscience had started to bother her before my line of questioning started in. (We always try to start our "lectures" with a bunch of questions. Gets them to think, and their hearts are reached more effectively.) So, yay, our bathroom visit was only a few minutes long, and she marched HERSELF (as in, without me telling her to), over to Mrs. B. and apologized, and later colored her a picture to further demonstrate her remorse. YAY Liana!!! I know kids born and raised here in the USA who would NEVER, EVER have humbled themselves like that. Very proud Mama. :O)

Leks is Leks. Flying under the radar as usual, but has been caught a few times more often lately. She'll ask me if she can do something, and of course, being a good mom, I say "no way" to some of her requests. Well, she'll sometimes *very quietly* do it anyway. She figures if I'm busy I won't notice or something. So, I've had to pay extra attention to her lately. With her developing intellect has come extra skill at getting away with things.

She's been really maturing lately. Instead of being afraid of every little thing as she was a year or more ago (I would need to go back and re-read my updates), she is actually more mature than a lot of other kids I've been meeting her age. She's social, smart, articulate, creative. (A little too creative though... she drew me a picture the other day of a mama and child... and the mama had all her parts... *cough, cough* I didn't know what it was, and when I asked her, she said that part was for her to go to the bathroom. Alrighty then...) She's also TALL. She's in the 75th percentile for height, and when we brought her home from Ukraine, she wasn't even on the chart for height. Liana is still a few inches taller than she is,s but I have a feeling Leks will cruise past her in a few years.

It's been a good summer. Lately we've hit some bumps, but ya know, no family is perfect. I wouldn't trade mine for anything!


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