Monday, July 31, 2006

Metcha Day Anniversary

It's been a busy few days. My birthday was Friday. (34!) John had the day off from work because his company was sponsoring a picnic at the zoo! So! I got to go to the zoo for my birthday! It was a hot day, but everyone had a good time, and I got to do a little shopping on the way home. Plus, John drove us past where he works. Horrible commute, and I wouldn't do it for all the money in the wide world. I h.a.t.e. city driving. Hate it. So, it's a good thing he's him and I'm me! :O)

Anyway, the next day was the 2 year anniversary of the day we met the kids. That really hit me. The anniversary of the day we MET the kids seems more "whoa" to me than the anniversary of the day we brought them home. It means, "Before this, these kids were not in our lives." Unreal to me that it has only been two years. It's nothing! It's a blink! And yet, to our family, they have been the Only years we've had together. Two Enormous years. Every month has been different... a different dynamic, a different feel, a different "texture" to our family. Thankfully the texture has been Smoother lately! ;O)

We celebrated the event by finding a teeny little Ukrainian deli about 30 minutes away. It had all of two tables for us to choose from, but there were a few aisles of Ukrainian foods that we could browse and shop. We found some Ukrainian Juice which we about jumped out of our skins with excitement to find. None of our favorite "Banana" but they did have "banana-pineapple" which is reminiscient enough of the Real Deal to send us back down Memory Lane pretty heavily.

We also found little circle ring-shaped cookies that the kids call "bubliky" (someone know the real name, or know if this is correct?) The kids were thrilled to have found those, and couldn't contain their excitement. The ladies behind the counter raised their eyebrows a few times at us! ;O) They also spoke Russian, which the kids enjoyed, but they got really over-stimulated by all of the above. Liana was especially over-done, but we all enjoyed a good meal of borscht, bliny (I think that's what it's called...), and a few other things. Including some beer for Adam. That was an accident. We don't read Ukrainian you know. ;O) He took one taste of his bottle (we all chose our own bottled beverage out of a cooler), and said, "Yuck! Beer!" Oops. The lady behind the counter said it was non-alcoholic though, so we felt a *little* better, but still!


Anonymous said...

WOW...........two years already. I was actually thinking about you earlier today at our pool. Someone asked how long our kids have been home and I told them 2 1/2 years and thought that makes it right at two for the Fishers. Please keep posting, I love reading them.
Happy Belated Birthday!! Oh, Tet accepted Christ yesterday!! Brenda

Marnie said...

Whoops on the beer! What a nice family celebration. Happy belated birthday to you. Only 34?! My goodness, still a child yourself. :)

Anonymous said...

OOOH, was it Sandora juice?! Sounds like the food was great at the deli! Congratulations on completing the best two years of your life (with many many more joys to come)! Thanks for posting and happy happy birthday!
--Laurel in Tulsa

Anonymous said...

Hi Shelly
Thinking about you all as I explore Europe again this summer. Such a beautiful continent! I can't believe that you have known your children for 2 years!!!!!!
Am getting together collection for you. Hopefully will get there by 17th.
Love to you all