Thursday, July 27, 2006


It's been our routine lately for us all to go outside and hang out in the afternoons if it isn't too hot out.

Yesterday we were out in the driveway playing Hopscotch. Adam wasn't so sure about playing it until I had to do a quick Google search to recall all the rules. It said that Hopscotch was played by Roman soldiers to help them train in nimbleness in their footwork. He changed his tune then, after he heard it was originally for soldiers training for battle! I was really glad about that, as it is reallllllly good for his balance. He is a TON more balanced and nimble than when he first came home. He couldn't stand on one foot for longer than about three seconds, and I'm not exaggerating. When the PT tested him, he could barely do it at all, and Flunked the test big time, testing at about the 3yo level on that particular skill. It was horrible. With the exercises and stretches we've been having him do, however, he has improved tremendously. He showed off the other night how long he could stand on one foot, and John and I about fell over ourselves... He's doing things now that I never thought he would.

Anyway, back to the hopscotch game. Liana was trying to drop her rock on the number 4 and just couldn't do it. I gave her several tries, but even when she couldn't do it, she insisted on having more tries. Aleksa was sitting on my lap watching, and I was beginning to chuckle at Liana's determination. I said something like, "One more try, huh, Liana?" And then I began to add, "Oh yeah, I forgot..." when Aleksa turned around to me and finished my sentence for me, "She's a stubborn Ukrainian, Mama." I often tell the kids they are "Stubborn Ukrainians" when the persevere so hard about things. My dad always tells me I'm a "Stubborn Norwegian" so I guess it's a carry-over from him. I thought it was funny though, that Leks was so matter-of-fact about it.

By the way, Aleksa won. Liana lost interst after not being able to get her rock where she wanted it, and Adam couldn't quite get his rock where he wanted it either. Leks loved it though, and continued playing it by herself long after the other two scrambled off to find something more exciting to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.