Tuesday, July 18, 2006

"Liana Loves Sean"

This week at church we're having VBS... So tonight during craft time, evidently Liana wrote on her project, "Liana loves Sean." Sean is an "older" boy of about 12... very smart, handsome, etc. Well, she didn't just write it. She said it to him and everyone at the table. And she batted her eyelashes. And pretty much scared the poor boy To Death. He got so embarassed his ears got red!

So, on the way home, I asked her if she maybe embarassed him a bit, and asked her how it made her look herself. (I had been told the whole story from her teacher...) She hadn't considered that. The more she thought about it, the more mortified she got. I mean Mortified. I could see the humiliation wash over her face. She crinkled her face and kept saying, "Oh, this makes my guts run out." (Evidently, her English isn't quite perfect yet! John and I laugh at how many expressions she uses wrongly with the word "guts.") She continued kicking herself and feeling mortified all the way through bedtime. I think this was the first time I've seen her feeling anywhere like this. She's my big almost 8-yr-old, and it is beginning to show!

I tried to make her feel better by telling her that when I was her age, I probably would have had a crush on Sean too, and that she had picked a good one to like, etc. And I told her I liked other boys too at her age. She asked me what my parents told her about it. I had to tell her that I was too shy to even talk to the boys I liked, so my parents didn't have to say a thing. That didn't make her feel any better. lol!

I told John later that I really liked this new Liana we're beginning to see. The old one wouldn't have cared one hoot if Sean was embarrassed or not, as long as she was having a good ole time. It's definitely a new leaf she's turning... I like it!


Missy said...

Poor Liana! I can only imagine how she felt. You always seem to make me smile (VERY BIG) or cry my eyes out..your kids bring out such emotion in me! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.