Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bunny Trails

Woke up a little later today. Heard the shower running downstairs (Adam) and knew my day had started without me. Groan. I need to start going to bed earlier.

Just wanted to recap my day so far since I've chuckled more than once at how many bunny trails I've been on today. My "summer schedule" isn't working out so great for Mama. The kids love it, but I'm feeling a little discombubbled. (Is that a word?)

Anyway, we did accomplish our morning routine - it just got done later and breakfast started a little later than usual. But it's summer, right? ;O) After we ate, the kids did their summer math/reading routine. That took all of about an hour. Tops. They also have a little writing they need to do.

After that, we had our read-aloud time. We're re-reading "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" since Aleksa said she didn't remember it when we read it the first time. For SHAME, we all said. It's still the older kids' all-time favorite. So, I decided that would be on the summer reading list. Anyway, when you read that book, you MUST, I repeat, MUST have a candybar. We bought each kid a giant Symphany bar of their own to last throughout the book. So, yesterday was the first day of reading, and I made the mistake of saying that they could keep it in their room and sneak a bite here and there if they wanted to, but that the book was 30 chapters long, and the candy had to last that long. Well, oops. Leksa ate almost the whole thing before I caught on. I took it away from her when she had three little segments left. Oy. Anyway, today Mama confiscated the chocolate after our reading was done. We need some more lessons in Self Control evidently!

After that, it was getting awful hot, so I had the kids help me put together some mixes for some future baking. I've been putting the dry ingredients of often-made baked goods into big ziploc bags so when it is time to bake, I don't have to mess with flour and sugar, etc. I've made up mixes for pancakes, chocolate chip cookies, tortillas (I've been making my own; YUMMY), granola, bread sticks, and today we did mixes for sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, and bunch of batches of bread for the bread machine. Feels good to have all that work already done. The kids each hold out a ziploc bag while I measure and dump. So we have three batches of each of these goodies squirreled away. Some of 'em we have 6 each. I need more flour!

After my mix-making extravaganza, I was noticing the sticky feet thing from the gross stuff on the floor. Flour and sugar on the bottom of my feet sorta gross me out. ;O) So, I had the kids take out all the chairs from the kitchen, and I swept and wanted to mop. Oops, I looked at the time, and couldn't believe it was after our regular lunch time. Great. So, I drop the mop idea (for now), and make lunch. I called in the kids to eat, and instead of dragging in all the chairs, we ate our lunches UNDER the table on the floor. Cool. I got to be functional and a "cool mom" all at the same time. The kids thought it was great that Mama was getting so psycho.

While under the table, I noticed that the plastic see-through table cloth on the table (I've mentioned it before), is getting grungy. It needs to be taken off and cleaned. I also notice that both of my girls are wearing skirts. Again. They're both on a big-time skirt kick. They won't wear play pants anymore lately. Which means they have all of about three skirts to choose from. They don't care if they don't match anything else they have or if they are dirty, they like 'em, and say they are more princess-like. Not to mention cooler. (It's been super-hot lately). Great. I wonder how much fabric I have in my stash to make them a few other play skirts. I don't want the neighbors talking... So, I tell the girls that after lunch we should go up to my room and check the fabric stash. Adam asks what he can do. I tell him he could pop in a dvd to watch while us girls are scoping the fabric. Cool.

So, after lunch, we march upstairs. I have forgotten about mopping. Oops. We find a few things, and Adam and the girls all enjoy a Christmas dvd that I wouldn't usually let them watch except at Christmas. Aftwerwards, we all go downstairs, and I notice that I have kitchen chairs all over the livingroom. Oh, Shelly, you're such a scatter-brain today. So, I finish mopping. I'm currently letting the floor dry while the kids are outside playing. After I'm done typing, I'll get the chairs back under the table, make sure to wash down the table cloth better, and then start supper. John will be home in an hour and a half. Still need to water the tomatoes, return an email and dry some laundry.

Even though it was a "fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants day," I'm not sure I would have changed a thing. I loved every minute.


Anonymous said...

I think I have plenty of fabric for what they need. It's just a matter of getting around to cutting and sewing. Still have several patterns that I borrowed from you last winter, so I think I'm set that way too. Thank you though!

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

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Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.