Monday, December 20, 2004

Christmas Program!

Grandma dropped off the girls' Christmas dresses last night so they could wear them Sunday morning. They are red satin, and absolutely beautiful. When I woke up the girls in the morning, I told them Grandma brought a surprise for them, and when I showed them their dresses, Liana hugged it and abruptly went into orbit with excitement. I've never seen such speedy bathers! They couldn't wait to put them on! (And I couldn't wait to see them!) They pretty much bounced all the rest of the morning.

The kids had their big Christmas program last night. All three kids said Adam's line together, though apparently only a few people understood them. Auntie Cara asked me afterward if they were speaking Ukrainian. *Sigh*

They were all dressed to the 9's in their Ukrainian clothes. Very handsome crew. Gotta love those Ukie embroiderers! Anyway, it was a stereotypical Christmas program, where the little ones stood in the front, and the older ones in the back. The girl next to Aleksa was holding a Chinese umbrella. Which is fine, except that the point of it kept getting in Aleksa's face. Had this happened the week after we were home, Aleksa would have blackened this girl's eye and been screaming her head off in frustration. Instead, she kept pushing it out of her way, and the girl holding the parasol was completely oblivious. At one point, Aleksa turned and scolded her pointing her finger, but still the girl had no clue. I had a hard time not giggling out loud. Mostly, Aleksa just dodged it, and looked annoyed, and somewhat ammused. Midway through the program, I had the sinking realization that I had forgotten to remember the camera. *waaaahhh*

The kids pretty much faked their way through the songs, but Adam liked doing the sign-language part in singing "Silent Night." The girls, for some reason, choked during the sign-language part, and just stood there. Aleksa had a grin on her face looking out into the audience, but Liana looked scared to death, and hardly looked up at all.

After the program, as I was grabbing my purse to leave, I happened to look inside to see MY CAMERA staring at me. I had apparently remembered to remember the camera earlier in the day, but then later forgot. Obviously my brain is mush these days.

Speaking of mush, I had to laugh at our supper last night. We were in a rush to get out the door to get to church, and I hauled out all the leftovers from the last two days... Leftover mashed potatoes, four pieces of last night's frozen pizza, and some goulash. Gourmet! (Actually, what was really funny, was that nobody complained, or even blinked. I had a hard time getting it down, but no one else did!)

After supper, it was time to start cracking the whip to get ready. They were each to march to the bathroom after supper and brush their teeth. Liana seemed to take her time, and when I investigated, I found her putting their pickle jar in the window. *sigh* "Liana, pickle jars don't belong in windows." "Ok, Mama, me forgot." Sometimes they really have me scratching my head...

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