Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Ready for spring

It is freezing up here in Wisconsin. Lots of snow that fell in the last few days has also brought very low temps. So, whaddaya do but bundle everyone up and continue life as usual?

I took the kids to the Dollar Store today to buy themselves a toy with some Christmas money they've gotten in the mail recently. I also found some things for the household and for stocking stuffers. Got to the counter though, and realized that after writing out a bill or two last night, there were no more checks left in the book. So, I had to run home and then run back. With three kids, that's rough. Wasn't thrilled, but whaddaya do?

Anyway, we did it, and then afterwards, I remembered that we still needed a few exchange presents for an upcoming Christmas party. So, we swung over to Walmart. It's actually just across the parking lot, so it wasn't a big deal.

In Walmart, we marched up and down the aisles waiting for me to get inspired as to what would be a good exchange gift. One for a man, one for a woman. I'm really bad at that kind of a thing.

Anyway, everyone was really good, thankfully, but alas, as we were about ready to check-out, Liana announced that she had dropped her mitten *somewhere* in the store. Oy. So, off we went looking for a pink mitten. Found it! Way back in Sporting Goods. *whew*

So, we checked out, and went to leave. One of the bags we had set off an alarm and the Walmart Lady came running after us asking us to stop. Great. No prob, I give her the receipt, and she writes something down and then we leave. It is FREEZING outside. (Did I mention that?) Well, guess what? In my haste to park the car and get the kids into the store, I had forgotten alllll about trying to remember where we parked. I had absolutely no idea. So we wandered. Let me just say that wandering Walmart's parking lot the week of Christmas with three freezing kids is not fun stuff. I was freezing too. Our boogers all froze. Our ears froze. I began to panic.

Eventually I found the car and we were off. Came home, put 'Leksa to bed for her nap, and then tried to thaw out. Two hours later we had to leave again to go get John from work. The strangest thing happened. Our front door would NOT open to let us out. It was stuck as stuck could be; frozen shut. Never ever had that happen before, and frankly, I didn't know it could be done. Great. I pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled. Finally it did open, but with a great crackle. It was really freaky.

I'm ready for spring.


Marnie said...

I hope the weather levels out for you soon. We got about six inches of snow last night, but now it's raining and every surface is treacherous. Yikes!

Have a very Merry Christmas together, and a Happy New Year to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Just had to stop by and say Merry Christmas to the Fisher Family! I hope your first Christmas together is an extra special one that you will never forget!

Anonymous said...

Just had to stop by and say Merry Christmas to the Fisher Family! I hope your first Christmas together is an extra special one that you will never forget!

Anonymous said...

Huge wishes to the Fischer family for a glorious Christmas!!! In a large part, because of you, Shelly, I'll hopefully be spending next Christmas with an adopted child. Thank you for your encouragement. Enjoy your precious ones during this wonderful Holiday! Jo from the ttc adoption board