Monday, December 13, 2004

Water in the trash

I thought I was going to be writing about the kids' first trip to Pizza Hut and driving around to see the Christmas lights in tonight's blog entry. Those were definitely memorable firsts; kids were all in great moods, were very good, etc.

But! (There's always a "but," isn't there?)

I put the bathroom waste-paper basket back in the bathroom last week after 4 months of being home and not wanting the kids to go back to their "old ways" of putting used tp in the trashcan instead of the toilet. Well, I had a feeling something would happen...

Tonight when we were tucking in the kids, Liana mentioned that we might want to take a looksie at the basket in the bathroom. Great. Well, there wasn't used tp in there, but there was water up to the top. Apparently Adam thought it would be fun to fill it with water. Even though there was trash in it too. What is up with that boy and water!!!??? So, I made him empty it (he had to fish out all the trash first, and trust me, I'm not the wonder-woman type of a mom who empties the trash every day...) Maybe John needs to start supervising his bathtimes. Not sure.

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