Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Pity Party over Ukie Shirts

I'm really bummed out. Weeping and wailing going on here. I had taken the kids' Ukrainian shirts to the fabric store a few weeks ago (a month?), so I could match the fabric for their skirts to go with them, and also brought Adam's shirt because Connie hadn't seen it yet. Well, I brought it in a plastic shopping bag, and when I got home, I put it on the kitchen counter. Fast forward to today. Those shirts are NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. I don't remember what on earth happened to them after seeing them on the counter. I have a feeling they were thrown out. *bursts into tears again* I can't tell you how bad I feel about that.

Those were the *only* things I couldn't leave Ukraine without (besides our kids), and now they are gone without any pictures. I have a few with Adam in his, (and his is even on the Ukrainian Angels website; we're family #796), but nothing for the girls in theirs. Sad, sad, sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shelly- Oh No!!!! I had a sick feeling in my stomach reading this.I'll also pray that they turn up somewhere. I know there's no way you can replace the ones you bought in Ukraine, but if you can't find them-give me the kid's sizes. I'll work the "Ukie" network and get you replacements A.S.A.P!! xo Lisa S.