Thursday, December 09, 2004

Shirt pics

Three Ukies
Aleksa full-length

After I found the shirts this morning, I had a spontaneous photo-shoot in the livingroom. It sounded something like this: "Everyone get these on right now! We're taking pictures before something else happens to them!" So, here they are. Grandma Fisher has aprons for them too, but we don't have them yet, so here's the "pre-apron" look. Liana hates the flower crown thingie, so I might have to do some re-vamping of those before I can get her to wear them, but Aleksa doesn't mind, and I think she's cute as a button with it. We'll just have to see.

Anyway, other than that, it was a quiet day...


Falling for Ty and Zach said...

THOSE are adorable kids! I have to tell you that your comment on shopping for Christmas really hit me. My hubby and I are having our LAST Christmas without kids (we should have two kids by this time next year!) and we are already having a blast buying toys (without being too gender specific). This year we are spending $20 on grown-up stuff for each other...and $80 on KID stuff! Having this much fun before they are here, I can not IMAGINE how you must feel this year. I can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...


The kids are just so beautiful. I can't wait to share these pictures with everyone here at the office and my Mom. (btw- the crown is called a Vinok- vee-nohk!)
So glad you found the shirts! xo Lisa S.

Shelly said...

Looking for Baby, how is your adoption progressing? Do you have your dossier approved at the NAC yet? Is it in Ukraine yet at all? Where are you in the process?

Last Christmas I remember packing up all the decorations and thinking, "The next time I see all this stuff there will be little kids to share it with!" And then I packed away some kid stuff in the decorations too, like a snowman kit, some special ornaments for the kids, etc. All the years of IF struggles made Christmas hard for me for a long time. "By Christmas, I was supposed to have had my baby..." Or, "By Christmas, I was supposed to be pregnant and be able to share the news..." Yucky stuff.

It feels so good to be out of that mess, and finally having that trial over. Not that there won't be more in the future, but it is nice to have a break from them now, if you know what I mean.

Good for you buying toys this year! I didn't want to spend extra money last year doing that (it all went into the adoption fund), but I can imagine how much fun it would have been. I used to sit in the kids' room and wonder about them; what are they doing right now? Are they being fed enough? Are they happy? What would they look like? What genders? Etc. Spent a lot of time in there!

Also, Lisa S. Thanks for letting me know what the "flower crown thingies" are actually called! ;O)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Precious! Amazing!
I put my hand over my heart because I was emotionally overwhelmed when I saw these two pictures!
Happy holidays to you & your family Shelly!
Sharon from MD

Falling for Ty and Zach said...

Hi Shelly-
We are at the ALMOST final wait stage with our government. We did our federal fingerprinting last Friday. When we get that form back (I71a?), all we have to do is get everything all apostilled and then we send them off for translation and start waiting for the Ukrainian government.
I am SO aware of all those feelings you had (the lack of pregnancy, the lack of FUN when it is Christmas with everyone's kids but your own, etc.)- and I am SO glad to be giving them up. My hubby and I love reading your blogs - makes us realize we CAN do this. I get kind of tired of hearing people say to me "Oh you just WAIT until you have have NO idea." I just think to myself - you have NO idea how much and for how long I have wanted them. Yes, it will be an adjustment...and yes, there will be tough days...but what parent doesn't have them. And I have had to wait for a looong time to get those tough days...I will cherish every one of them! (I don't know if I would cherish the ink in the squirt gun, least not right away!!!)

Shelly said...

LOL! Yes, Lois, the ink in the squirt-gun was a BIG stretch! (And rest assured, there will be many "big stretches" for you too!) Just take a few "cleansing breaths," count to 100 and pray that everyone stays alive through the rest of the day! ;O)

We'll be praying for a speedy I-171H for you! Please let me know when it comes!
