Friday, January 14, 2005

Adam's big 1-0!!!!

Happy Birthday Adam!!!!!!!!

My baby is ten years old today! It seems like only yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital, er, airport. (Ok, poor attempt at a joke).

This morning we woke the kids up early to have breakfast in bed for Adam. At our house that means everyone has breakfast in the bed of whoever is having the birthday.

I made Adam an orange king's crown, and he proudly wore it for the rest of the day - until tonight when it ripped once too many times and an extra staple couldn't salvage it. Anyway, he LOVED the crown. I almost thought against it, but there is so much that our big 10-yr-old missed out on, that I didn't want him to grow up never having had a paper crown on his birthday. Weird, I know. He ate it up anyway, and I was so glad I didn't nix it. I knew he'd like it; don't know what I was thinking. I'm so glad he's stayed so "young" in some areas. Still loves kisses from little sisters; still wants Papa to carry him sometimes, etc. So much lost time to make up for. And to think that most 10-yr-old Ukrainian orphans are practically unadoptable just because of their double-digit age. I'm so glad our Adam happened to be 9 last August. We might not have said "yes" to a 10-yr-old. Shame on us.

Sorry for the rabbit trail.

Anyway, then as I was scurrying around trying to clean the house, the doorbell rang! The mailman brought PRESENTS! A sweetie-pie friend of the family (!) sent Adam a way cool gummy-bug-maker kit! Talk about Cloud 9! They all love to get any kind of mail to begin with, so this was Extra Cool! There was even some cute stuffed animals for the girls in there!

For lunch, a friend from church who has sorta adopted our kids right along with us, came over and brought a Dominoes pizza and a cookie-cake!!! Couldn't believe how all-out she went. She told me she just thinks Adam is the nicest boy and couldn't resist! *proud mama moment*

It is so cool that two people who barely know us have been so kind. Adam couldn't have been happier in those few hours! He was walking around singing happy birthday to himself. Just plain happy.

This afternoon the Fisher grandparents came over for a while... Wanna know what they gave him?! A MAGIC SET!! Adam and Papa played for a long time with that thing tonight. Adam is going to have many, many hours of entertainment with that, and already learned a few tricks. Of course, he gets so excited about them that he can hardly keep the secret of how his tricks work! His face undoubtedly hurts from all the smiling he did today.

But it gets even better!!! Auntie Sharon and Uncle Lyle came over for supper tonight, (and a partial magic show!), and brought Adam a HAMSTER! It is absolutely adorable, I have to say. Adam proudly put her cage next to his fish, and as he stood there looking at the two of them acquainting themselves (not really, but you know...), Adam sighed contentedly and said, "Family!" Ya hadda be there, but I wouldn't have missed that moment for anything in the world. I knew he'd be a wonderful papa to any new pets, but that was the clincher. Sharon and I cracked up.

I don't know about Adam, but I sure had a good day! Sleep well, my brand-new 10-yr-old boy. Mama loves you!

Breakfast in Bed
Opening Pesent
Adam's Gummy Bug Kit
Our Handsome Ten-yr-old


Anonymous said...

Hi Shelley

Yes call me a lurker but I had to track your progress after all of this time and may I say you are now a proud oldie... smile
And all of these fab posts and pics I will gladly say these birthday pics say it all! You did great my friend! Your children are awesome and you found those babes born from your heart!

Hope to see you at the Dells reunion.
your friend
I love Ukraine
Leanna Seyler
mom to v and N the what will happen next bros

Marnie said...

Happy (belated) birthday to Adam!