Friday, January 21, 2005

Balance and Blogging

This blog thing is apparently bigger than I had thought. In the last few days I've been deluged (ok, not quite) with "thank you for blogging" emails and comments. I do definitely know I need to do something, but when your own husband says, "Are you really going to stop blogging? I felt bad when I read that... I look forward to reading them every day," well, that really gets to a gal. I had to laugh at him though, because HE LIVES WITH ME!!! lol! ("Pssst, honey, you won't miss me and the kids, we're right across the room...")

The other clincher was when I dropped in at my dad's house yesterday and he said, "But that's the first thing I do in the morning is check your blog! Maybe just post a few days a week? But then, nobody will know if you've blogged or not and maybe they won't check in." I'm so weak when it comes to the men in my life! lol!

So, I dunno. I do know that this week I've been able to get a ton of things done. John's lunches have been made at night before bed, my house is tidy before bed, (ok, except for the kids' bathroom which is a constant battle), the breakfast food/dishes have been layed out. All of the above has made for a very pleasant morning, and the kids have had more free time to play during the day because we can get school done faster.

But, I guess you can say that the very hardest part of having these three kids has been to etch out a routine to get things done AND to have time to "play." (And I do consider my blog-time playing, but there are other things on that "play" list too.) Lemme settle into my new routine and then we'll see if I can still squeeze out a few minutes to post *something* Maybe I'll readjust the morning schedule... That's what I did today...


Anonymous said...

Hi Shelly - All things have a natural beginning and a natural end, and many of the nicer things in life (a beautiful painting, a fine wine, a great book) can't be forced or pushed. Somehow, someway you had the energy to create this great blog during these past 5+ months. If you are naturally getting tired of it, or rightly want to prioritize other things, then give yourself the freedom to put the blog down.

My personal 'thank you' is not meant (necessarily! :-)) to encourage you to continue, especially on a daily basis. I am a Quaker, and we really believe in doing things "as the spirit moves you". I think you should do just that. Don't let guilt or a false sense of obligation make you keep a daily attachment to the blog.

Yes, I'll miss your almost daily updates, but I will survive. Occasionally I'll check in with anticipation to see if you've been "moved"! If you haven't been, well, that's ok.

Warm regards,
Sharon from MD

Anonymous said...

Well, imagine my horror when I checked your blog today after skipping the past 2 days! Consider this my very heartfelt thanks to you for letting us into your home and hearts. Your family is your priority, as it should be. Just because you don't post anymore doesn't change the seeds of hope and faith that you have planted in people's hearts. You are braver than most and I think people like to hear how you have triumphed over considerable adversity and undoubtedly overcame the naysayers and the internal fear that can plague anyone yearning to parent. OR here's an idea: maybe you could start a new reality TV show (Survivor Ukraine and Beyond). Then you could get paid to have us be flies on the wall. LOL. Just kiddin'. Remember for everything there is a season! Give those kids a hug for me. And tell them to give YOU a hug from me too. -- Laurel in Tulsa (traveling to Ukraine in 7 days!)

Shelly said...

Becky, I'd love to see John start posting too, but um, wullll, I don't see that happenin'! ;O)

Sharon in MD! Thanks so much for the sweet and heart-felt support. You have been such an encouragement to me in the past several months! I'm trying like crazy to listen to the Spirit, but sometimes I'm pretty hard-of-hearing. Sometimes on purpose and sometimes not, *sigh*, but in this case, I really am trying to get my priorities straight and get the schedule figured out. (And to let poor John have some computer time once in a while!)

Laurel! Oh, Laurel! I am going to be on pins and needles waiting to see who you bring home! How are your nerves holding up?! You all packed yet? Try to hit the internet cafe as often as possible. Some of us are nosier than others and Just Gotta Know how things are working out! ;O) So very happy for you, my friend!

Anonymous said...
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