Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!

Last night we rang in the new year watching the Wizard of Oz with the kids, and then we all had a slumber-party on the livingroom floor. John read "The Stinky Cheeseman" story to them too - they giggled all the way through it. It was great! When we were snuggling down to sleep, Adam started a "Good-night Jim-Bob" thing by saying, "I love you Family. I love you my sisters and my Papa and my Mama!" Everyone else had to chime in. Lots of snuggling, and then we all finally dozed off. (Everyone made it 'til midnight too!)

The kids are on some meds for a parasite. Adam came home from Ukraine with it; they never treated him for it, (it was a mild case, they said), and now the girls have it too. So, I have three kids on a med that makes them throw up. (Remember when Liana got so sick this fall on her med? This is the same pill. :O( The night before last, all three were sick. Adam threw up the most. He woke Aleksa up with his "noises," and when she toddled into his room to see what was happening, she also threw up. Then early in the morning Aleksa threw up on her bed.

Today they were all feeling much better, though they complained of feeling queazy now and then. Good thing, because today we all went to the Fishers' for dinner and opening presents. (Christmas just never seems to end around here!)

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I especially pray that this will be the last Holiday Season that many of you PAP's spend without your kids. I'm so happy to hear from so many of you. And I'm excited to hear that a few of you will be traveling soon! Best wishes to you all!

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