Friday, January 07, 2005

Hrystos narodyvsya!

Hrystos narodyvsya! ("Christ is born!")

Merry Ukrainian Christmas everyone! Today, I was supposed to plan a glorious Ukrainian banquet table. Didn't happen. With everyone sick, I didn't get to the grocery store. I didn't get anywhere! I was going to make borscht, but my beets got too cold and partially froze in the back of my fridge. Thankfully, Ukrainian cuisine is very midwestern, so I had ingredients for a lot of other Ukie goodies. I made verenyky again (always a favorite at our house, though you're supposed to make a meatless variety on Christmas. We aren't fasting or anything, so I still had my hamburger kind.)

I also attempted to make a kolach. Kolach is a beautiful braided bread that you stack on the table and put a candle in it. The thing about kolach is that it takes 900 years to make. In fact, it is still in the works. Should be out of the oven by about 8:00 tonight. We ate supper at 6. So much for beautiful centerpieces! I also didn't have a clue what my kolach was supposed to look like. Should be interesting what it comes out of the oven looking like. The kids were excited about it though, and helped make it. Aleksa was head to toe flour, and Liana helped braid the dough. Adam got out his tape-measure to measure the ropes of dough for me. But the verdict is still out whether or not we'll ever attempt this project again! lol! (Maybe I'll post again at 8:15...)

Anyway, Hope all you Ukie-friends out there had a wonderful holiday! :O)
8:27 Wull, the kolach sorta flopped, but it tasted good! Besides the fact that the top layer morphed into the bottom layer making it look like a giant muffin during the baking process, half-way through baking it, John announced that the kitchen smelled like there was a fire, so I took it as a cue to take it out... I'll have to remember that if I ever make it again. *sigh* The kids were all impressed though, and they gobbled it all up.

Our Kolach


Anonymous said...

Shelly!!! I'm so proud of you! That kolach was not half bad, ESPECIALLY for your very first attempt. You're right it does take just short of a million years to complete, but you get an AAA+++ on the job. I'm going to send a copy of the picture to my Mom, she's going to LOVE it!! Besides, it doesn't really matter how it turned out, it looks like you and the kids had a great time baking it! xo Lisa S.

Shelly said...

Lisa, I sure thought about you when we made it! I was wishing for some pictures to see if I was doing it right! What a giant pain it was! (But, oh so fun!)

The recipe we had could make two kolachy(?) and since by back was already killing me having done one, we put the rest of the dough in bread pans, and those turned out BEAUTIFULLY - and tasted YUMMY! Some of the best bread I've ever had, and the kids all remember this "good kind" of bread from Ukraine, so it was a big hit too. The kolach and both other loaves were history by Sunday night. ;O) Greet your mother for us!
