Saturday, July 07, 2007


Stepped out my patio door the other day to take this picture. I get teary sometimes watching them like this... Sights like this are like God reminding me how good life is and how thankful I should be for His blessings.


Missy said...

I LOVE this pic too! Is it strange that it brings tears to my eyes too? I can almost feel a slight breeze and hear birds chirping in the background. Happy families are such a blessing to my heart!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the joy in being a parent! You made me teary too, Shelly. Such beautiful children. Such beautiful children that God has lent to us to share in our lives. So thankful for them. (and you!)

Love you,

Anonymous said...

They are pure joy. Your family sure is one of the most blessed I know!
Kate x
(wipe tear!)