Thursday, October 14, 2004


Starting to feel a little stressed. I've already mentioned that I'm feeling a little bad about not being able to do for my dad what I was able to do for so long... (errands, housework, taking him to his dr. appointments, etc.), but today, a friend of mine called from Colorado. It was great to chat with her, but with three kids that are up past their bedtime, well it was hard to really connect again. Also, I caught my niece on MSN Messenger chat today, and barely had a chance to find out how anything was going before another Kid Emergency. Yeah, I LOVE my job description right now. Love it, love it, love it, but I feel like I'm also shut off from the rest of the people in my life. I don't want to be like one of those annoying women who gets a new boyfriend and then drops their friends like hot potatoes. Know what I mean? I'm just trying *really* hard to carve out some sort of routine and balance everything. Not working the greatest right now, but I'm really trying to figure it all out. While I was talking to my friend tonight, she said, "Shelly, you went from 0 kids to 3 kids plus you're homeschooling them plus you don't all speak the same language. Could you make it any more difficult for yourself right now?" I suppose it probably looks next-to-impossible for everyone on the outside looking in. But that's the least of my worries. The kid stuff isn't work to me. What's work is balancing all the other parts of my life so that nothing and nobody is being neglected. Very delicate balance. I know it is possible, but oy is it tough right now!

As far as kid news tonight:

I asked Adam what "J" words he could think of and his immediate response (complete with pantomime) was, "Jackie Chan!" (Apparently they let them watch some tv back at the orphanage!) Since the kids are speaking more and more English as the days go on, I've started to label things. There are signs on everything. Toilet, wall, sink, piano, etc. telling what everything is. Hopefully it will help. Not exactly sure what it will do, but I've been told it is good for them to see the words. *shrugs* It was a fun project anyway. The kids loved sticking signs on everything and telling me what things were. (They did AWESOME at that. There were very few things that they didn't know.)

Also, while I made supper tonight, the kids and John went outside to play. Aleksa was the last one out the door and while she was getting her shoes on, I came over and helped her and then gave her a big hug. (Just couldn't resist the opportunity, plus I had an overwhelming, "wow, I'm this little girl's MOM" moment. She said, "Mama ti placala?" (Mama, are you crying?) I told her "a little bit" and she asked me if she should stay inside with me so I wouldn't cry. I assured her that she should go play and that Mama was just being a silly mama. She stayed and helped me make supper. Such a sweetie.


Anonymous said...


Of course you're feeling stressed- but you've only been home 2 months and you've accomplished some pretty amazing things. I know moms with three kids who didn't go from 0 to 3 instantly and they feel exactly the same way you do. You are an incredible woman and I don't have a single doubt that before too long you'll come up with a plan to carve out more time for yourself. Hey- even if it's for a half hour, the really important thing I'm "hearing" here is that you're aware of your own needs and if you are rested and refreshed that only translates to good things for the kids. You can't drive a car on an empty gas tank and you are no different. Okay, lecture over and if you start to have any doubts- re-read the line about you being an incredible woman, it's really true!! xo Lisa Sicilian

Anonymous said...

Shelly, I've already told you that you amaze me with how well you manage everything in your life. You have a heaping full plate! Your three kids need you alot right now and everyone understands that. I'm sure you help your Dad very much- it sounds like you cook him lovely dinners. I'll bet your life will be more flexible soon, then you can catch up with buddies and family. Most important, you're doing such an amazing job with your children. (remember you have inspired me!) Relax and enjoy... Jo from the ttc adoption board

Shelly said...

I think it's probably a good thing you all don't know me in person. I'm much less "amazing" in 3D. In fact, I can often be rather annoying. (I try to edit out the annoying things I do all day long when I write my blogs... I assume most people would!) ;O) Anyway, thanks you guys for the support. Hopefully by the end of Month Three I'll be feeling a bit less frazzled!
