Friday, October 01, 2004

Pics of the Patient

I had expected to wake up and see two little black eyes on Liana today, but they weren't, and the swelling has gone down. Still a little puffy and tender though.

Here are some pics...

Liana's Nose1
Liana's Nose2
Liana's Nose3
Liana's Nose4
Liana's Nose5


Marnie said...

Oh, the poor sweetie. But doesn't she just have the prettiest eyes ever?

Anonymous said...

Wowee that looks like it hurts! She's so beautiful though who cares if she has a big owie!

Anonymous said...

How can she have a big owee on her nose and still be so gorgeous! As your mother in law said, she sure has a sparkle in her eyes now. You are great parents! Jo from the ttc adoption board