Saturday, October 30, 2004


Today I went to Mom Fisher's house for the afternoon (12:30-5ish) to sew up some little dresses for the girls. I have No Idea how to sew, so this was a good lesson, and we had lots of fun. John took the kids to the children's museum again, and this time Adam decided to try out the climbing wall. He only got half-way up, but I think it was pretty cool that he attempted it to begin with!

Ok, back to the sewing day thing. Ready for this? At about, oh, I'd say 4:00 or so, Mom Fisher's sister called. Wanna know why? To wish her a happy birthday! OOOOOOOOOOOOPSSSS! Guess who didn't wish her a happy birthday or come up with a present, or anything? That would be me, that's who!

So, everyone was laughing that I had blown it so bad, and then I yelled into the phone something about how Mary should have called at 12:31 so I could have faked my forgetfulness a little bit easier. But, to FURTHER get myself into trouble, they laughed again and said, "Shelly, her birthday was YESTERDAY." Oy. Talk about blowing it, and then blowing it AGAIN!

Thankfully, she isn't the vindictive type (probably y'all have noticed that by now!), so she just laughed it off, but BOY do I feel awful! (And yes, John did too!) Can't believe we both forgot. Knuckle-heads we are. Knuckle-heads.

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