Monday, October 18, 2004

Beanbags, Massages and Jingle Bells

This morning I let the kids in on a secret we've been keeping from them... We're going to the circus tomorrow!!! They were sooo excited! I sewed them some beanbags to practice juggling like the clowns will juggle and we talked about the things we will see there. They couldn't wait to show John when he came home! Aleksa especially loved them. I suppose they are just fun to hold and scrunch in your hands, but she sure prized them all day.

Tonight John and I got a treat. The girls wanted to give us massages! (Oh, twist our arms, right?) Our sofa is L-shaped, so we each layed on our bellies facing each other so we could chat while the kids walked on, squeezed, and tickled our backs. We asked each other if this is what we had imagined life would be like once we had kids. Nope! We decided we should train them to waive peacock feathers on us and serve us grapes. It was cool because we could say all kinds of things and the girls had no idea what we were talking about. (Sometimes that language barrier comes in handy, though we are starting to have to speak in code; "Number 1 Child got into trouble today with Number 2.")

After supper John read Adam a book that was pretty long. In fact, it took an entire hour to read. (He should be thankful he wasn't reading it to Liana... he'd still be reading it with all the questions she asks!) lol! Anyway, it still amazes me how much Adam soaks up books. He sits statue-still and will be completely engrossed in the book/s as long as you care to keep reading. I wish I knew how much he is actually registering, but probably quite a bit by now. Another family mentioned recently that their 11-yr-old has been home for two months and is speaking English only now, though he often struggles for vocab. That amazes me because ours just ain't there yet! Maybe the fact that he was adopted as a single and not a sibling group? Probably helped. but it is making me antsy for the day we all speak the same language around here. That will be pretty convenient; especially when company comes!

One of the books we have has some Christmas decorations in the illustrations. When they saw it, they started singing *something* to the tune of Jingle Bells. I sang it to them, and after that, I had to sing it over and over and over again. They loved it. Tonight when I tucked Aleksa in, she asked me to sing it to her probably 20 times or more.

Liana was definitely the little Mama today. She and Aleksa played house all afternoon and she had to boss her "baby" around telling her when she could go to the bathroom, when to eat, what to do, etc. It amazes me that Aleksa puts up with it, but she doesn't seem to mind at all.

Exhausted. Going to bed now!

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