Saturday, October 16, 2004

Perfect Day

This was the kind of day that I sat day-dreaming about while we were "waiting to be parents." The kids were perfectly behaved (well, for the most part!), and we did all kinds of fun stuff!

We had a late breakfast and then we went to the Children's Museum here in town. The Fisher grandparents came too. There was sooo much for the kids to do, see, touch, investigate, play with, etc. They loved it and so did we! There was even a climbing wall, which John got to do. (Adam sorta chickened). Liana put on a puppet show for Grandma and Papa, and she also got to plunk away at an electric piano/organ. Aleksa got to sit inside a hollowed out television and pretend that she was a movie star, and Adam had a great time with the human-size maze. All kinds of fun!

Then we went to McDonalds for lunch. I didn't leave home without the camera this time though!!! :O) Though the first time Aleksa was at McDonalds she didn't want to go into the Playland alone, and needed Papa to carry her when she did, this time, she marched right in all by herself and had fun playing in the balls. She still wasn't brave enough for the other climbing stuff, but we were really excited that she was so outgoing today.

After that we came home for some "down-time." But a couple hours later we went shopping for some winter coats for the kids and I found some nice wooden puzzles for pretty cheap.

Tonight we all snuggled up with a video, and then off to bed. Aleksa nearly fell asleep in my arms, and Adam was especially snuggly when I tucked him in. Liana was her huggedy-kissedy-self as usual, and everyone went right to sleep.

Oh! And Adam still even knows he's 9 years old! All's well at the Fisher house! Nice way to round out Month 2 of being home. Pretty much, it was a perfect day.

Playing at the museum
TV Stars
Aleksa and Grandpa
Liana's Puppet Show
Adam at McDonalds
Aleksa at McDonalds


Anonymous said...

The picture of Aleksa and her Grandpa is precious!
I was surprised to see the ball pit at McDonalds. They no longer have those here in Michigan. They were finding very nasty stuff on the pit floor. Even needle syringes! careful

Anonymous said...

Wow, Shelly, how blessed you are! I look at your pictures and read about your great kids and feel such joy for you. It gives me hope that the pain of my IF will be quieted with the joys of my adoption someday... Jo

Shelly said...

Isn't it just amazing what this world is coming to for people to put syringes into a ball pit for little kids?!!! How terrible! Thanks for the heads up!

Jo! I sure wish you lived next door! My heart really and truly aches for all of you ladies going through the trial of IF. Know that pain too well. I'm glad you find comfort in reading our blogs though, so you can see that there can be a happily-ever-after for you too. Don't get me wrong, the days can be very tiring, but I'd rather scrub red ink out of my carpet for an hour or two than endure doctors, procedures, losses and endless waiting. I soooo can't wait for your day to come!!! (((hugs)))
