Monday, October 04, 2004

Great-grandparents in town

This morning bright and early John called his boss and mentioned a project that is "due" at the end of the week that obviously he won't be able to work on since he's layed off. That twisted his boss' arm I guess, because John got to go in today, as he will for the rest of the week! Yay!

In the car this evening the sun was really bright, so John mentioned that the kids might want to shut their eyes because of it. Liana piped up, "Ya ni shut your eyes." (I not shut your eyes). Reminds me of her "put-your-socks-on" thing. She also calls/ed her hairbrush a "brush-your-hair" and a toothbrush a "brush-your-teeth" and today I heard her call her pants her "put-your-pants-on." She says all of the above occasionally, but not usually anymore. It's starting to click. Aleksa actually started using an 's for possession today. She said something was "Adam's."

John's grandparents are in town this week, so it was fun introducing our new brood to them this evening. Liana was shy and didn't really want to interact with them much (hard to explain to the grandparents that this really is a GOOD thing.) Aleksa, true to form, gave out her hugs and smiles just as charmingly as ever. (Grandparents loved it, but it still makes me cringe that she still does this so indiscriminantly). Adam was shy at first (yay!), and then warmed up as the evening progressed. (yay!)

Great-grandma made beautiful quilts for the kids, and they were SO excited to get home to put them on their beds. I'm hoping to persuade them to let me alternate weeks with their Seuss quilts and their "great-grandma" quilts since I love them all and I'm not ready to see the Seuss quilts shelved quite yet.

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