Friday, October 22, 2004

Hay Ride!

We had another homeschool group activity today. We had a hayride in the country. Great time of year to do that here. We live in an area with lots of bluffs and valleys, and the color-change is gorgeous around here. Everywhere we looked was breathtaking, even with a chilly bite in the air and the looming threat of some rain.

He started off shy, but Adam warmed up to the other boys his age pretty quickly. I'm loving the chance to talk to other homeschool moms about how things work for them, curriculums, resources, etc., so even if the kids don't have fun, (hasn't happened yet!), I'm really enjoying these activities.

When we got home, I got to make hot chocolate for the kids for the first time. Great day to do that! I make Mexican hot chocolate, and they loved this yummy treat. (If you want to make it at home, just add a little cinnamon and vanilla, and you'll never have your hot chocolate any other way!) (Stir in a candy cane at Christmas time, and you'll LOVE it, but then it isn't necessarily Mexican!)

Liana has been calling Adam "Add-Com." It isn't an affectionate term, either. She calls him that when she's mad at him. Aleksa, on the other hand, has been calling Adam, "Adam-chik," which is a very affectionate n.n. I guess she's too young for a real sibling rivalry with him. They get along pretty well most of the time.

Today has exhausted me. My vote is for an early bedtime. John is playing with the girls while Adam is in the shower right now. His showers are usually about an hour long. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration, but that boy takes forEVER to get himself clean. That just reminded me... I noticed while giving the girls a bath the other night that Adam's "blue" body soap is now "green." He mixed some baby shampoo in with the body soap. I suppose he thought it was more convenient to mix the shampoo and the soap together so he doesn't have to reach for more than one bottle? *shrugs*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Shelly, Adam has really undergone a transformation since August! He looks so much more mature and sure of himself in recent pictures. He has blossomed with your loving family. I still read each blog with such joy for you (and hope for me) knowing that IF doesn't mean we can't enjoy being a Mom someday. Once again, thanks for sharing your journey! Jo from the ttc adoption board