Friday, September 10, 2004

Adam's haircut, books and park

Well, I made the attempt at Adam's hair today. I tried to be *very* conservative in how much I cut off since it would be easier to fix if I did. I don't know who was more scared; Adam or I. When John came home I asked him if it looked like Adam got a haircut. He said, "It does around that ear." Apparently Adam's haircut wasn't so hot either. lol!

Jo, you asked what I read to the kids. Well, the younger two LOVE a book called "My Big Word Book" by Roger Priddy. My sister-in-law picked up that book for the kids, and it is AWESOME! It has 1,000 "essential" words to teach the kids; everything from clothing to family to food to animals, etc. It is spiral bound, the pages are sturdy, the pictures are great; I love it. Otherwise, I spent my spare $$'s at Good Will picking up childrens' books for a while and accumulated a bunch that way. The favorites are Dr. Seuss (smart kids!) "The Cat in the Hat" is Adam's favorite, and he will ask for it by name. Pretty much anything with great pictures are a hit. Today I read a bunch of fairy tales out of one book, and they all recognized "Little Red Ridinghood" and started to tell me the story in Russian. I made them stop --- I had to go get the camera to take some video. They each were proud to "retell" the story to me, and one day they'll love to have these *really* cute clips. (Ok, at least Mama will!) :O)

Everyone was in a great mood all day long. Aside from Liana still not feeling well, they were all really good today, and Adam was extra affectionate and huggy-kissy to me telling me I would "always be his mama" and he would "always be his son." (Our little chit-chats are sinking in!! Yay!!!)

I'm not sure if I'm just hormonal or what, but Aleksa came up to me and said, "Up, please, Mama" and I got all teary-eyed today. She's said that lots and lots of other times and even learned that in Ukraine, but for some reason I thought they were the sweetest words I've ever heard today.

We all headed to the park after John came home from work. Did I mention we have fabulous kids? Adam helped Aleksa up onto the jungle gym and pretty much looked out for her most of the time there. He's a great big brother. I sure hope that never changes! There were a couple girls a little older than Adam that were playing at the park too. Most other boys would have started playing the "that isn't my mom" game, but Adam still wanted to swing with me and holler, "look, Mama" whenever he did something neat. He did look pretty longingly at the girls' bicycles, but other than that, he still played with his little sisters and his Mama and Papa. I have to really relish these times; I know they may be short-lived after hanging out with "typical American kids" for a while. For now, he's tickled to have a family. We're thrilled to finally have children, and they are thrilled to finally have parents. What a wonderful, wonderful day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the book advice, Shelly. I will definitely look for the word book! Your family is so special and you are all so blessed. Enjoy! Jo from the ttc adoption board