Thursday, September 16, 2004

Errands and the Gimmes

Today we dragged all the kids all over town. I had to find Adam some navy pants and Liana a navy skirt for their first night of "Patch the Pirate Club" at church tonight. I found Adam his pants, but there doesn't seem to be any such thing as a navy skirt for a little girl anymore. Good thing Grandma said she'd make her one! The older two were ready to go long before Aleksa was this morning, so Adam and Liana took it upon themselves to help Aleksa get her teeth brushed and her hair brushed. I had to grab the camera for that one. Couldn't believe my eyes.

We stopped at my Dad's house too during our errand run, and Adam helped himself to one of my dad's toys. I found it in his pocket while we were out running around. So, we all piled back into the car and I had him knock on Grandpa's door, return the "stolen goods" and say he was sorry. I patted him down for the rest of our stops today, and we'll have to start remembering to do so until we can fully trust his sticky fingers. (That isn't the first time he's taken things... Once at the grocery store in Kiev, and another time at Grandpa's house.)

Speaking of the "gimmes," it seems like it doesn't even matter what it is, the kids just want it. We found one of John's enormously-thick programming books on the girls' bookshelf along with a stack of his Computer/Science magazines. Definitely not good reading material for a 6 or 4-yr-old. (John was proud though, that his little girls might want to take after him!)

We also took the kids through their first car wash today. They loved it, and just as we were coming out of it, the kids wound down their back windows. John couldn't resist putting the car into reverse for the kids to get a little "wind blown" by the blow-dryer-thingie that still had a few seconds left on it. The squeals from the backseat were worth the effort... *tee-hee*

Gotta run! We have a million things to do today!

Getting Aleksa Ready
Aleksa at Walmart
First Carwash
First Patch Club Night

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