Monday, September 13, 2004

Dress Up Night

Tonight I remembered that I had a dress that I wore in my big sister's wedding when I was about Liana's size (I was 5 years old). I hauled it out and put it on her, and then gave Aleksa a dress that another little girl from church gave her. They LOVED them, and felt like princesses. Gonna hafta dig up some more dress up clothes! Enjoy the pics!

Liana holding picture of Mama in the dress
Mama's Princesses
Prince and Princesses
Excited Princesses
Ukie Princess
Ukie Royalty
Ukie Royalty2


Shelly said...

Sharon, I wish you could have been here to watch them. They twirled and curtsied and danced all evening. She was instant smiles and giggles that lasted until we took the dresses off at bedtime. I've been lugging that dress around for the past 27 years hoping to give it to "my little girl" some day - I got all teary breaking it out of the trunk yesterday thinking, "the day is finally here!" And, as I've already said, the reaction was well worth it. Great fun!

Anonymous said...

I am moved to tears at your royal children! They are so happy and plumping up! I follow your blog every day as I am in the waiting game and I sure appreciate your info. It truly is amazing to see the transformation of the power of God and the love of a family on their faces. --Laurel in Tulsa.

Anonymous said...

Hey Shelly,

You are hanging in there. Just a thought when I saw your dress up clothes pics - here in PA we have Goodwills with clearance bins where everything in the bins is $.50. Call me cheap, but a couple of Christmases ago, I raided the adult bins for some dress up clothes for the kids. We got dresses, sequined dress shoes, gaudy purses, suitcoats, ties, dress shoes, even a wig (don't think it was ever used - I really checked it out)!! They STILL play with these on an almost daily basis.

Also, here in PA we have charter internet schools. The schools are funded by the state, but run by the parents. Computers, phone lines, supplies are all provided at no charge. Do they have anything like that in Wisconsin?

Still praying,


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the pictures SO much!! The children are beautiful and I love the way their eyes are full of joy. Precious, precious memories.... enjoy! Jo from the ttc adoption board

Anonymous said...


I quickly looked at the photos you posted today. I am sure you have heard this a million times over but it is the truth. The kids are transformed, already. I saw the Ukraine photos. They looked pasty and wane and fragile. Now you have these vibrant, attractive children. Amazing to see the difference so quickly. Wow! God is certainly blessing you before your very eyes. What a privalege it is to be someones parent.

Tatiana's Mom

Shelly said...

Thank you Tatiana's Mom! I've been pretty paranoid about if they've started to change yet. Every other day or so I look through our Ukie pics to compare. Liana's bout with her meds last week made me extra paranoid that she was regressing instead of PROgressing, so I appreciate the encouragement that they are starting to change for the better. It will be interesting to see how much they change in 6 months or a year!