Thursday, September 09, 2004

Sick Liana

Last night John and I were planning on taking all the kids (fun to say "all") to church for a special service of a music group that was coming in to sing. On the way there, Liana threw up allllllll over the place. She was a regular Mt. St. Hellens. Poor kid. So, John turned around and dropped Liana and I off back at home and he took Adam and Aleksa himself. Liana has hardly eaten anything all week because of her meds. She eats a good breakfast *sometimes*, but other than that, she doesn't want anything. No bananas, no yogurt, no nothing. We tried to make her eat something last night for supper and look where it got us!

Anyway, I threw Liana in the bathtub and then as a special treat, I let Liana wear MY pajamas, and then I put on John's pajamas. (I had one of his t-shirts and then his Cat in the Hat loungepants). (He's gonna hate that I am blabbing that he has Cat in the Hat loungepants.) (Oh, well.) (I should say that I bought them for him and he had nothing to do with them.) ;O) Anyway, Liana giggled up a storm when I told her that now Papa has no pajamas tonight and he will shiver, shiver, shiver. We put puzzles together and snuggled and chattered until everyone else came home. Btw, while we were snuggling, Liana said, "Shut the door, Mama." IN ENGLISH!!! :O) Earlier I had just brushed my teeth, and she said, "brush your teeth, Mama?" They're learning!!! John and I agree that she is the most motivated to learn and use her new language.

Adam has been testing me and testing me all week. Yesterday I told him what he needed to wear for church, and he pitched a fit about it, and then when he put it on, he wanted to put on his tie with it. (Trust me, it wasn't a "tie" outfit.) So, I told him he couldn't wear it. Then he took off all his clothes, threw them in the garbage and stood there telling me that I wasn't his mama and that he wanted to go back to the orphanage. Oy. We had a little chit-chat about thankfulness and complaining. I reminded him of how many clothes he had to wear at the orphanage and then asked him how many he had to wear here. He got quiet, and still pouted (he's our "sulker"). He absolutely hates to be corrected, and takes it like we don't love him. Drives me CRAZY! Can't wait til we all speak the same language, times like these it would *really* come in handy.

Aleksa is still making lots of progress. Last night when I tucked her in bed, she turned both cheeks for me to kiss. (They kiss both cheeks in Ukraine). Then, she offered me her forehead, then her chin. Then each palm, then each finger on each hand. Then she had to kiss me on all those places too, and then gave me a giant bear hug. She's such a sweetie! (Then I had to kiss her Cabbage Patch doll.) (She made John kiss her too!)

Speaking of dolls, Liana has named hers Sveta, which I think is too cute. Not sure why, I just do. I guess I just wanted to add that so that I don't forget it.

I know I've been slacking at posting pictures, but when I write up my blogs in the morning, I'm in a race against time before the kids wake up. Plus, my camera is usually in the kitchen/livingroom and not here where out computer is. Then it takes time to download and shrink them, and post them. I'll try to get a few up soon though. Except that Aleksa looks funny now and Liana looks a bit ghost-like from feeling like she's gonna puke any minute. *Sigh*

I just had a kid knock on the door, so my time is UP. ttyl!

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