Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Labor Day

Sorry this is a late post. I slept in longer than I should have this morning, so I didn't have time to blog before the kiddos woke up. (The kids are *supposed* to be napping right now, so I'm safe for at least few more minutes!)

Yesterday we visited my dad (all of us, John included.) It felt good to get over there as I haven't been able to go over very much since we got home from UA. Gotta get over there for another cooking day pretty soon. Maybe John's layoff rotation is a blessing in disguise for now. It will give me a chance to get over there and help out more. We took the kids to the park across the street from Dad's house after our visit, and that was fun.

Then we went to Walmart for a few necessities. Actually I went to Walmart, while John and the kids rode around in the parking lot while I shopped. Adam's Sunday pants are pretty short on him, so I picked up another pair (they are actually too big, but that's what belts are for, right?) I also poked my nose over at the LeapFrog/Pad stuff. Gonna hafta invest in one of those asap. As much as they love pushing buttons and things that make noises, this might be just what the dr. ordered!

For supper we went to John's brother-in-law's friend's land and had a cook-out with the rest of the Fishers. The kids had fun running around and playing. Well, Liana threw up on the way out there, so she probably didn't enjoy herself all that much, but once she got some more food in her tummy she started feeling a little better. The trouble is nothing sounds good to her, so it is *really* hard to get her to eat. Four more days of puke-cleaning left before her meds are done.

The kids are really starting to replace their Russian/Ukrainian vocabulary with English words. It is truly amazing how fast they learn. Adam sings "Old MacDonald" now, though he doesn't get all the words right. He loves it though, and the ride into the country yesterday inspired him to sing it at the top of his lungs every time he saw a cow. Liana sings a "1-2-3" song, and Aleksa starts to sing the "A-B-C" song on her own now, even when we're not singing with her. She can say the alphabet up to G very clearly, and she can count to 8 pretty well, but not perfectly every time. (Aleksa can count to 20 in Russian). John and I try to make it a point to sing together while we are in the car. Not that we don't sing other times, but it just makes for a nice built-in family time to teach them songs. The kids love it anyway, and they will ask for certain ones to be sung over and over and over again.

At lunch today, the kids begged me to let them vacuum their rooms. I told them they could but that they had to pick up their toys first. Deal. (!!!) They did a great job too. I hope they never change their minds on how fun vacuuming is... Mama HATES that job! Sssshhh...

Btw, Sharon, (my sister), I read your comment below, and I can't tell you how many times this week and last I thought about how Mom would be laughing at me for getting two picky eaters as "pay-back" for how bad I was to her.

That's all for now! My little nappers are starting to stir!


Carol working mom of 3 said...

Hey Shelly! We are a big fan of the Leap Pad products. We are especially big fans of plugging headphones into them for our little guy to wear when we are tired of hearing "My name is Lofty, L-O-F-T-Y, I like lifting things, uuh, but not too high" for the 50th time. But they are great products. I was visiting my neice this weekend who is 18 months old and they have a really cute Leap Pad item that is just a little easel that is a magnet and letters that are magnets. When you put the letters into the little easel it tells you the letter and the sound it makes. My 4 year old was enthralled and my neice was having fun taking the letters on and off the fridge. No headphones with that one though. lol

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Hi Shelly,
This is Ariane from TTC. I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE reading your blogs!! I check them every day! :)
It really is useful and helpful to people like me, who are planning to adopt. Your chidlren are all soooo cute and precious and sound so sweet!!! GOD BLESS YOU!
Ariane from TTC :)