Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Porchlight Painting

Adam has been a handful today. He and Liana got into a knock-down-drag-out fight this morning and when I made him kiss his sister and say he was sorry, he bit her cheek instead. Couple of those kinds of things today.

This afternoon I happened to point out one of the small oil paintings that we picked up in Ukraine to Adam. He was very proud of it since it was of Ukraine, etc. This evening Liana let me know that earlier Adam had hung that painting OUTSIDE on the porchlight. (I've been letting the kids play outside in the yard without me there a few times recently.) Anyway, I suppose he thought that porchlight would be a place of honor, but it freaked me out. (What ELSE is out there???) He also put our ladybug project outside too. He definitely keeps me on my toes!

Sorry this is so short. I'm exhausted!

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