Wednesday, September 08, 2004

First Haircuts for the Girls

Well, I finally got around to mustering up the courage to try cutting the girls' hair yesterday. Liana begged and begged for a haircut like the lady on the box that the hair clippers/scissors/etc. came in. I was kinda glad because the lady's hair was the exact length that I wanted to cut it. (Just past chin). I told Liana that that was a LOT of hair to cut off and that she might not like it once it got cut. She assured me that she did want it that way... So! Off it came. And I LOVE it. She looks so sweet, and it cut the scraggly part of her hair off. I got half-way through the cutting though, and she needed to go take a looksie. She came out of the bathroom bawling her head off. I laughed at her when she told me she was done. (Only one side of her head was done!) She cried all the way through the rest of the haircut, and then afterward went and cried some more on her bed. After that though, she was fine, and never said a word.

Aleksa on the other hand, didn't care what on earth I did to her. Figures that SHE'S the one whose haircut I actually botched bigtime. I could say it was because she kept moving around and I snipped when she moved, but it wouldn't be very honest! Poor kid looks funny now. Another right of passage for Mama. Aren't all mamas supposed to mess up their kids' first haircuts? I could have let Grandma cut them all, but I really wanted to do their first cuts... come what may. I was too chicken to cut Adam's though. Maybe tomorrow...


Falling for Ty and Zach said...

First, Shelly - THANK YOU to you AND your hubby for these posts - you have no idea what a huge blessing they have been to me and my hubby. Second, I am wondering if you are familiar with something called sensory integration dysfunction. I had never heard of it but our social worker adopted a 2-year-old from Russia and she told me some signs and symptoms. She suggested the book "The Out-Of-Sync Child" which explains a lot about it. I have NO IDEA if that may be part of Aleksa's problem with texture. All I know is that our social worker says that a lot of kids that have been in orphanages have this problem because they didn't get the stimulation they needed to develop when they were very young. Anyway, it is treatable and the earlier it is detected, the better. Like I said, I know very little about anything right now - and you may already be aware of it. THANK YOU, again, for your posts. We feel like we know you and your kids. Your insight has been wonderful and we really, really appreciate it!

Falling for Ty and Zach said...

First, Shelly - THANK YOU to you AND your hubby for these posts - you have no idea what a huge blessing they have been to me and my hubby. Second, I am wondering if you are familiar with something called sensory integration dysfunction. I had never heard of it but our social worker adopted a 2-year-old from Russia and she told me some signs and symptoms. She suggested the book "The Out-Of-Sync Child" which explains a lot about it. I have NO IDEA if that may be part of Aleksa's problem with texture. All I know is that our social worker says that a lot of kids that have been in orphanages have this problem because they didn't get the stimulation they needed to develop when they were very young. Anyway, it is treatable and the earlier it is detected, the better. Like I said, I know very little about anything right now - and you may already be aware of it. THANK YOU, again, for your posts. We feel like we know you and your kids. Your insight has been wonderful and we really, really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

I am dying for some more pics of these cuties and now that they have new hairdo's I really want to see them! I am sure they have changed in just the short time since we last saw your photos of them!

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelly! How cute! It reminds me of the first time I cut Alicyn and Lauryn's hair. I kept looking at them and first the left was too short then the right was too short, back and forth, glad by the time I was done they still had hair!! God Bless you Mommy! Kelly