Sunday, September 26, 2004


Looks like I might have the bug Adam just got over. I woke up feeling really yucky today. I got the girls bathed and dressed, and then decided to go toss my cookies. So, poor John is taking the kids to church by himself today. I'm sure they'll be fine, but he was a wee bit nervous about it I think!

This is the longest I've been alone in the house since before we left for Ukraine. I don't like it. The house is sooo quiet. Reminds me way too much of how quiet the house used to be and how very, very alone I was in it while John was away at work. (Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for my hubby, but he didn't make quite as much racket as the kids tend to do!) I wish they'd hurry up and come home. I want to break up some fights in the livingroom or something.

(btw, I added another picture to the post below in case you missed it.)


Anonymous said...

Sorry you are not feeling well! One thing my girls loved to use when they played dress up was lace curtains! I would put elastic through them and they had skirts or dresses OR the U shaped head bands, you can put it through the curtain (where the rod would go) and it was a wedding veil. I had gotten a bunch at a rummage sale. It worked great! Hope you feel well. The kids did GREAT in children's church! Kelly

Anonymous said...

God sets the lonely in families Psalm 68:6a (Just read this the day you posted.)

But my very, very favorite is this:

He settles the barren woman in her home as the happy mother of children. Praise the Lord! Psalm 113:9

This one is going up on my Web site very soon!

:-) Kammi in IL

Anonymous said...

Hi Shelly,

If there is one thing I still cannot cope with as a Mother, it is throw up. I can almost be sick just thinking of it. So you have all my sympathy.
I adopted from Russia, not Ukraine. The last photo you posted is breaking my heart. I could only linger over it for a minute. I have two boys around that age. They would die if they had to be in those girly like clothes or mismatched outfits or just shorts with no shirt. I feel overwhelmed and depressed right now. Those boys are skinny and wane. Put them in any good home and they would look model cute. But by the Grace of God that is not my children's reality. To think of how many unmet emotional needs that one small group is having. How can you become a normal adult when you know nobody wanted you or cared enough to make sure you had decent, normal shoes. Those boys must have grieved knowing another boy (Adam) was off to a real life where he would be valued. At one level I marveled at what a handsome group of little boys, but then I dwelled upon their lonely, relentless existance with little hope of change and I am so sad. I can only pray. I also have a daughter, age 4. To think of all the needs out there. It isnt fair to those little, helpless children. Thank you for the photo which will remind me to pray. Though it feels like so little. I wish adoption didnt have to be so complicated and expensive.

Shelly said...


I can already tell we are kindred spirit. My heart really broke seeing those boys too. Those and many others. The little, little kids didn't affect me quite as much because those kids have a lot more hope of being adopted than the older ones. The boys in the picture of Adam's groupa are really stuck there, no doubt about it. Who wants to go spend thousands of dollars on an adoption of a 12 year old boy? Or 10 even? Unheard of. The shoes and clothing situation at our kids' orphanage also broke my heart, and I am already squirreling away shoes to send to their orphanage. There is also a dire need for underwear. So, I'm thinking about buying a package of undies whenever I hit Walmart for a while. There are so many things I can think of that they would need, but one person can only do so much...