Thursday, September 02, 2004


The kids had their first US doctor visits today. Aside from Adam's slight palsy which we already knew about, the doctor said that the kids appeared WONDERFUL and were even on the US growth charts (except for Aleksa's height... she's a little short). He told us that if we were a family of US born kids and walked in, he would say, "what a great family." He even said that they appeared intellectually/emotionally very good also, and told us we were really, really blessed. (Already knew that, but great to hear from the doc!) Of course, we don't have the blood tests back, and Adam's TB test is already appearing like it will be positive, but we were told by dozens of other families to expect this because they are immunized for it in UA, and I even told the doctor this when we interviewed him before our trip. (Why is it that they so seldom believe a word you say though?)

Anyway, I get to collect poo-poo samples for them today, so This Should Be Fun. *sigh*

Adam started off the day rough. I had to wake him up for the appointment, and he was NOT happy about it. He told me he *wasn't* going to the doctor, and that he *wasn't* going to eat his breakfast, and that he *wasn't* going to get dressed. So, first, I told him, that he didn't have to get himself dressed because I was a VERY good Mama, and I could get him dressed myself. I hauled out his outfit, and proceeded to take all his clothes off of him. I put his shirt on him, took off his pj bottoms, and then came at him with a clean set of undies. That inspired him really fast to go change them on his own.

Then it was breakfast time. He wasn't hungry (!!!???) so he wouldn't eat. I was actually Tickled Pink about this because it is the first time since he has been home that he hasn't licked his plate clean. Must be getting somewhere in that thick skull of his that we will have food for him all the time. Yay! Anyway, he watched the others eat their breakfast, and I kept asking him periodically if he didn't want his yet. Nope. So, I wrapped up his plate and put it in the fridge. He hauled it out later on, and I never said a word.

Anyway, he was the biggest cry baby of the three at the doctor. Liana loved it aside from the pricks in her arm. They all three were given books and teddybears, and were very fussed over. Adam cried WATCHING his sisters get their ears looked into! He didn't want anything to do with the doctor! Oy. (How are we going to get this boy to the physical therapist next week?!!)

At the doctor, the nurses could NOT say the girls' names to save their lives. Liana wound up to be LION-a (Lion as in the animal), by one, and Lee-YAWN-a by another *shiver.* (I'd never even considered the "yawn" pronunciation; I sure hope that isn't a regional accent and our little girl gets called that by too many. It makes my skin crawl. Maybe we should stick with the "lee-ANNA" pronunciation that John likes.

Aleksa was "Aleksandria" (note the "-ia"), and also "A-LESS-ka." We've had several people call her that one recently, which we can't figure out either. Oh well!

Adam told me today that I would always be his mama and he would always be my son. AWwwww... Then a half hour later after I scolded him for smacking his baby sister in the head while they were playing, he told me he wanted the orphanage and that I wasn't his mama, and John wasn't his papa, and then he promptly took off out the door. Great. Now what? So, I told the girls to STAY inside, and I walked down the street looking for him. No luck. I came back to the house worried sick and he was playing in the yard. Game Over for Adam. He was laughing and giggling about his "trick" (he loves to play tricks; see previous post about sippy cups), and Mama did NOT think it was funny. He got in Big Time Trouble over that one. The girls were inside crying; scared half to death. I understand that he just realllllly wants to make sure of our love for him, and is insecure about us, etc., but he CAN NOT be running away from me. Period. Big trouble. Big. He promised to not do that again, and we wound up giving each other snuggles and hugs and kisses, but he'd better not EVER do that again! (At least not until he speaks English and can tell someone his name and address if he gets lost!)

Aleksa was super over-tired this afternoon/evening. She stood in the middle of Adam's room crying/SCREAMING and looking an awful lot like she had to go potty (holding herself, etc.) Well, I put her on the potty and she screamed even more. Overtired. She went, and then I tried to tell her it was bedtime. OY. You'd think I was telling her we were going to chop off her arm or something. She screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed. So, we went round and round for an hour and a half. I realized in the middle of the screaming that she was scared to sleep alone in her room. As soon as Liana layed down in her bed, she was fine. The bummer of it was that we kept Liana up a little LATER so that she didn't have to try to sleep in the same room with her screaming sister. OOps! Poor Aleksa hasn't ever had to sleep in a room by herself before. I'm an idiot. (I should have sent BOTH girls to bed early! ;O) )

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