Sunday, September 12, 2004


Today we took the kids to a biking activity/picnic through our church. The family hosting it lives right off of a major bike trail here, and so they had lunch at their house as well as some other kid activities like a trampouline, four-passenger bicycle, swingset, sandbox, etc. The kids had a great time and did reallllllly well. There were lots of other kids around and we were glad to have them start to get to know some of them outside of "church" where it would be more difficult.

Liana didn't get sick all afternoon inspite of the heat. She played harder than the rest of them even.

Aleksa did great except that a big dog walked into the livingroom where she was playing with another girl, and she started screaming. She wound up in the closest warm body's arms (a man she didn't know), until I came in and took her myself. I can't wait for the day that she won't do that, and only wants "Papa or Mama." I know the day is coming, but we just aren't there yet.

Adam helped himself to two sodas that he didn't ask for, plus the water and juice that we gave him. (Though we weren't thrilled he did that without asking, we do know that just about any 9-yr-old would be tempted to do the same if they didn't usually get pop at home.) He left the food alone, which we were surprised and glad about. In fact, he didn't even eat all of the food on his plate. That's the second time in three days he did that. We're coming along!

John took all the kids to the grocery store to give me a break plus to give me time to clean the bathroom, etc. (When do moms get all their housework done!!!???) I haven't had the chance to dust or vac. our bedroom in I-don't-know-how-long... Plus everything that we have realized is contraband from the kids gets put in our room. We have stuff everywhere. It is driving me CRAZY. (I hate clutter). (You'd never guess that looking at all the other pics of our house on this site... I realized recently that ALL the pics we've posted of our house have some kind of mess in it! Too funny... I really need to post a "clean house" picture or two to prove that it does happen!!) Every time I stay in our room/the bathroom longer than 3-5 minutes someone winds up crying or bruised! John is layed off this week, so I'll be able to "get at it" now, but what about when he isn't!? There are definitely things to iron out as far as our daily routine goes!

Liana took her last pill tonight. Good to be done with that!


Anonymous said...

Hi Shelly,

I love your spirit. Let me remind you that you are very much in the thick of things and the 6 month mark will amaze you. As will 1 year and then again two years. You probably have heard that said but it is true.

Also, I am inspired by your Mother's comments. I want to be the kind of mother that encourages and supports. She is so full of praise. I wonder if you have any idea what a gift that is? This weekend I was a little snappy with my children and was disappointed in myself. What kind of role model is that? But a moment later I gave myself grace. I'll probably be a sweeter grandmother (Lord willing) because I'll be less stressed. Good for you to be on top of Alexa's attachment stuff. My daughter did the same things and it took about two years to subside. It is a challenge though, because my daughter still remains as a Mayor personality. I think she is just a super friendly, warm type. I don't want to weed that out entirely if it is (and I believe it is) her God given temperment.
Thinking of your family warmly.

Shelly said...

Thanks so much for the kind words. Yes, we have been blessed with great parents (on both sides! My dad is also a sweetie-pie!) We definitely realize not everyone has that gift, and we don't take it for granted!